March-2013 ☘

The past couple of weeks haven’t been too exciting for us.  On one of the Saturdays, our stake did a basketball tournament.  Our ward had two teams, and we only had one building to play in, so it was a single elimination tourney.  The team I played with lost our game by over 20 points, while our other ward team won their first game.  The leaders told us that we couldn’t switch to our other ward team unless there was a reason that some team members weren’t able to make it for the other games, and we had quite a few that were gone to a funeral during the other game, so I played with them for their second game.  We lost that one by around 7 points, and later that day found out that the team we lost to won the tournament by a long shot.  All of their games except ours they had won by a blow-out, so it made us feel a little better.

As for the other basketball news, we were happy to hear that BV won the state championship!  We wish we could have seen the game, but we had our stake conference while the game was played.  I was in the choir, and it was fun to sing.  I can’t get Mikki to sing with us though, even though she has a good voice.

We are still having a fun living in our little house here in Cedar, although we still look forward to owning our own home someday.  One evening I went and hid from Mikki to see how long it would take her to find me.  I decided to hide in the bathtub, since I usually don’t hide there and I found it was a pretty comfortable hiding spot.  Mikki was a little bit smarter this time though, as she figured I was hiding from her, so she just went in the bathroom and started getting ready for bed.  I started getting impatient, so I quietly slipped my phone out of my pocket and sent her a text message saying “Come find me!”  She didn’t even budge to go get her phone in the other room.  So then, I decided to call her.  That would get her to go get it for sure, so I thought, but she still didn’t move.  After that, I figured that she had won, so I might as well give up.  She then called out to me saying something like, “you want me to come find you, huh?”  So I then said, with much disgust, “yeah, but you already know where I am.”  I did get to scare her a little bit though, because she thought I was hiding in the bedroom closet. 🙂  Here is the picture she took of me though.  So if you ever need a good hiding spot, the tub is pretty comfortable.

2013-02-20 21.24.35

About the last thing that is of any excitement is that Mikki and I are talking a little bit about wanting to buy land to build a house on.  We’ve looked around a little bit, and I think it would be fun.  If anyone has suggestions about what to look for when buying land, please let us know.


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