March 1, 2015

The snow is finally here! Along with this snowy weekend, I’m finally here on my website to get things updated a little bit.

First, I’ve got to show a picture of our beautiful home covered in snow.  This past storm has given us quite a bit to shovel out.

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Mikki and I are in the front room warming up with our toasty fire.

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We love our home, so far, and it’s hard to believe we’ve been here for about 6 months now. Currently, we’ve repainted our bedroom, and yesterday, we installed some new blinds.  It’s been fun to play around with things to make the home more to our liking.  We’ll have to save up a bit more to replace carpet to a more “modern” style, but for now, it works just fine.

Mikki and I have continued to keep busy with work, and we still love working at SUU.  I’m currently taking two classes as I’ve decided to pursue a Masters of Business Administration.  My first class is Operations Management, which has been a little different than I expected initially.  The other class is Managerial Finance, which I had a pretty good idea of how that class would be.  So far, I’m enjoying both classes (but I have a test in each one this week, so that could change).

One of the things I’ve enjoyed about taking classes has been to get to know more faculty members on campus.  Currently, I not only maintain the computer labs on campus, but I also support the computers for the CSIS, Math, and Business departments as well as the Student Association (SUUSA).  Both of my classes are from the business department, and I feel like I’m developing some good relationships with them.  This past week, I have been invited to be a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, which is an honor society group that recognizes top business students for their academic achievements.

I have to give Mikki some credit, as she has been a motivator in the beginning for me to continue my education while I’m working here at SUU.  She has been taking classes these past couple years towards a Library Media endorsement.  It’s taken me two years of only work to finally feel comfortable in getting back into school.  I feel energized and excited to see more possibilities available in life as I continue to gain education.  Mikki should be finishing up her endorsement pretty soon.

As for our church activities, Mikki and I are Primary teachers.  We currently have a combined class of 8-9 year old children.  They are fun to teach, and, of course, full of energy each Sunday.  Our stake has also been having stake basketball for the past month, and we started our tournament this past Saturday. We won our first game, and it’s single elimination, so we’ll see how far we go.  I’m also the Stake Technology Specialist, which has been fun so far.  I’m looking forward to meeting more people in our stake, which will be good since we plan on sticking around for a long time.

I guess the last thing to put on here to catch things up is that we just bought a piano!  It’s been a great addition to our home, and I’ve enjoyed our home being filled with music.  Mikki is learning to play some songs, and we’ve had fun playing some duets of the songs I remember playing at home with Mom and Shelly.

I know this skips a lot of the fun things Mikki and I have done over the past year, so I plan to put a couple posts in with pictures from some of the activities we’ve been able to do.


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